Tuesday, January 26, 2010

iPhone 4.0 = Google Nexus 1? Funny

Hilarious, found this while browsing through my reader.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Technomancer's Primary Tools - Tenacity and Research

One of the most difficult things you must do to qualify as a true technomancer is to troubleshoot and debug issues outside of your own field and experience. Where does this ability come from? The tenacity to preservere and the ability to research via keywords. With SEO and technology, you cant quit. You must keep moving forward and destroying the obstacles that lay ahead to ensure your manifestations are complete.

There are resources all around you, advice, snippets of code, forums, support and even instructional video. The point is that most of the time you can solve every issue yourself when someone gives you the responsibility for a task that has failed. Do not drop it yourself, fix it where no one has been able to fix it.

It is not easy, it is stressful and full of personal responsibility, but it allows you to manipulate the world in a way no other can.  Think in keywords. Your questions are not questions but statements full of nouns with extra fluff words ready to remove and be typed into a search engine.

It amazes me how quickly and easily professionals run away from a problem and leave a bandaid that is easily and quickly removed when things start getting dirty.

Never settle, your projects are yours no matter who youve contracted and no matter who works for you. The bottom line is you, the technomancer. That one man army.

People will be jealous, spiteful, blame you, take things the wrong way...but the technomancer has what it takes to make magic out of technology.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The ABC's of SEO

Articles, blogs and content. These are the essential components of SEO. Without these in the proper combination you will not rank in any search engine.

The larger your site the better, organization is key, critical. You must have a plan  for growth...it must be robust, and you must follow it day by day. Authority on the internet refers not so much qualiry, but non spam appearing quantity. Make your site make sense. Link it properly.

Articles bring in backlinks, house them somewhere, syndicate them, give them away for free!

Blogs are the bread and butter to new site content, besides static content itself. Use your blog to link to your internal pages with proper anchor text.

Content is where you lay the foundation for a proper link strategem. This is where the secret is. The is where relevancy is of utmost importance. Do it right the first time, stick to standards and patterns.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

SEO In House

In my experience, SEO in house is a must. There are a few critical things you need.

1. PHP/mySQL, HTML/CSS, or equivalent Web Programmer. Someone able to code creative designs to look exactly as their pictures in both static and dynamic environments. Someone who knows open source CMS's, dynamic data, databases and WC3 Compliance standards.

2. Creative Designer. Someone whose sole job is to come up with creative pictures, and photographic/videographic content. This person works closely with the programmer. They must have an eye for the users perception of the website and be able to analyze the effects of his own designs based on testing methods.

3. Content Writers. Content writers need to be proper professionals who are eager to do the work and maintain keyword integrity throughout all of their documents. they also should have experience in general marketing and preferably academic writing.

4. The SEO Professional. The one who knows about everything, programming, creative design, content writing, marketing with the addition of SEO Best Practices and tactics. This is preferably you, the SEO Implementor reading this blog. You MUST delve into every field. You need to know how to work them, how to suggest answers to your team members questions. You bring everyones expertise together with your jack-of-all trades nature.

With these 4 key components in house you are bound for success. Create the plan, test the landing pages, optimize the site and write the content. Get your site out there and known. This is not for the unskilled or weak minded. This is serious business. It is hard and tedious but the rewards can be tremendous.

A 5th component that can help but is not required for pure SEO rankings and traffic, is the general marketing expert. The one who knows how to build your brand, pull a traditional lead, make a real-life news or business contact and play the role of affiliate manager. This is an important role for your businesses success but not key to SEO specifically.

ESO - SEO - A Cosmic Twist of Fate Toward a Career Niche

For the past year I have been working exclusively on Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. The year before that I ran a computer repair and web design company named Esotech Inc., short for Esotechnology. Esotech is a word combining the latin Eso, which means hidden and technology. This was a play on the word Esoteric which refers back to my previous training in Esotericism, Mysticism and Spiritual academic topics. The point being that there is mystery and hidden ways to manipulate and understand technology.

In some cosmic twist of fate, I realize a year later that ESO is an anagram of SEO, which is exactly what I have become to specialize. I say specialize with all the arrogance in the world, while aware of it. I will admit, I am not humble in my operations as I encounter day by day myself as a novice of old in those SEO professionals I held in such high regard.

It looks like it's about time I started talking to the community about SEO. I'd love to hear your ideas, converse with you, and overall learn from you if there is anything valuable to learn. Consider this a public forum where you can express yourself and discuss without worry. Hide your identity if you must.